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About the SLS

The University of Toronto Students’ Law Society (SLS) is composed of thirty elected student representatives and nine appointed officers. The SLS operates as three Committees: the Executive Committee, the Student Life and Academic Committee (SLAC), and the Social and Finance Committee (SFC). Appointed Officers sit either with a specific committee or work independently.

The SLS also works with the University of Toronto Students’ Union via the elected UTSU Law Director and directly with the Law Students’ Society of Ontario.

Mission, Vision, and Values

The SLS adopted its current Mission, Vision, and Values on February 5, 2022 in By-law 1. The purpose of the Mission, Vision, and Values is to help students better understand what the Student Law Society is as a student-lead organization and increase the transparency of the SLS’s decision-making processes. The Mission, Vision, and Values also serve to create a coherent set of principles to ground new decisions, policy or advocacy changes, or programs created for the student body.

The SLS’s Mission is to enhance the student experience and advance our community.

The SLS’s Vision is for a law school that provides an inclusive and enriching environment to support students’ well-being and ambitions.

The SLS’s Values are advocacy, inclusivity, transparency, accountability, collaboration, and enthusiasm.

Recent Resolutions of the Students’ Law Society


§  2022-04-04: Resolution re Recognition of Staff and Faculty Efforts (SLAC)

§  2022-03-24: Resolution re Ratification of the Membership Fee Increase Referendum Results (SFC)

§  2022-03-22: Resolution re Ratification of the Membership Fee Increase Referendum Results (SLAC)

§  2022-02-17: Resolution re Membership Fee Increase Referendum (SFC)

§  2022-02-14: Resolution re Membership Fee Increase Referendum (SLAC)

§  2022-02-05: Resolution re By-laws Review (Amended and New By-laws)


§  2021-01-30: Transition Resolution

§  2021-01-30: Resolution re Endorsement of Branden Cave for Governing Council

§  2020-10-04: Executive Indemnification Resolution (superseded by By-law 11)


§  2020-03-03: Social Committee Constitutional Referendum Resolution

§  2020-03-02: Student Affairs and Governance Committee Constitutional Referendum Resolution

SLS Meetings, Minutes, and Finances

Current students can see upcoming Committee meeting information, current and past minutes, and SLS financial documents on the Meetings, Minutes, and Finances page, including the Budget.

Interested in getting involved?

For incoming 1Ls, there is the upcoming 2024 Fall General Election. For more information about upcoming elections, please see the Elections page.

Past Presidents

1999-2000 to present

2024-2025 - Isabel Brisson

2023-2024 - Justin Kim
2022-2023 - Meaza Damte
2021-2022 - Willem Crispin-Frei
2020-2021 - Robert Nanni
2019-2020 - Morgan Watkins
2018-2019 - Solomon McKenzie
2017-2018 - Katie Longo
2016-2017 - Sarah Bittman
2015-2016 - Andrew Wang
2014-2015 - Natalie Lum-Tai
2013-2014 - Brendan MacArthur-Stevens
2012-2013 - Albert Lin
2011-2012 - Aaron Rankin
2010-2011 - Karim Amlani
2009-2010 - Isaac Tang
2008-2009 - Alykhan Sunderji
2007-2008 - Khalid Janmohamed
2006-2007 - Kim Haviv
2005-2006 - Michael Pal
2004-2005 - James McClary
2003-2004 - Robin Rix
2002-2003 - Jennifer Matthews
2001-2002 - Benjie Shinewald
2000-2001 - Anna Maria di Stasio
1999-2000 - Kashif Zama